Origin Hunting

Overpriced, under preforming, too much plastic. Shoot on sight.

Drake Cat Crawler

In the Cat Crawl, you and a crew of 3 do what it takes to travel the system and be the first Cat back with the goods, and claim the reward!

Monthly Drake Rally

A monthly Drake social rally. Fly your Drake to the designated location and hang out. Maybe start some trouble, maybe not (probably).

Check Spectrum or Discord for time and location.

Cat Crawler I:TBD

Register Here


Complete the race from start to finish, while collecting a `TrackerBox` from each checkpoint. The crew that reaches the finish line and presents all three TrackerBoxes will claim victory.


Tracking Mechanics:

A trusted non-contestant player will take Delivery Contracts to provide enough packages, three per Contestant. The holder of these contracts must verify three packages at the finish line for a winner to be declared. (The contract holder will likely lose reputation)

A trusted non-contestant player will distribute one package to one crew member, per checkpoint

Non-Contestant Roles (Race Officials):

Time Keeper: Located at the finish line, will record the timestamp of the Caterpillar touching the ground on the LZ

Verification Engineer (VE): Located at the finish line, the VE will verify that each TrackerBox is associated with their original Delivery Contract (There may be multiple VE’s per race, depending on contract availability, etc)

Checkpoint Engineer: Located at each checkpoint, the CE will provide a TrackerBox to each competing ship as they arrive. 

A note about Bugs: Shit happens, and luck can be tough. Any bug that is non-recoverable, such as the Caterpillar exploding upon exiting it, that ship is out of the race. There’s no real way to make things fair as bugs, known or otherwise.

A 30k will restart or possibly reschedule the event